amiibo Updates

Hello everyone. v1.3.1 is now available. The update added Super Nintendo World series
Donkey Kong Power-Up Band
Diddy Kong Power-Up Band
Please download it with the link below.
If you cannot use an amiibo after updating, check if there are any errors in the "Error" column of the API program. amiibo with errors will not work properly. Need to update again, before you do, make sure you close steam app, cloud app like one drive..Many people get errors with one drive program opened.
If you have trained amiibo for Super Smash Bro. and don't want to erase the trained data.  Please follow the bottom video tutorial to update the amiibo one by one.


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Update pack for download

Click here to download Update Pack V 1.3.1 (2025.01.15) 

Click here to download Update Pack V 1.3.1-V (2024.01.15) (Try this one if you have update issue with the first update pack)

amiibo PDF lists for download

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Youtube Tutorial

Update Steps:

1. Download the Update Pack on your Windows PC. Extract the Update Pack to the desktop. Then run the BGS31 program.
2. Connect the AmiiPad controller to your PC. It will show "Connect" on the bottom left corner of the program when connected successful.
3. Click "Update All". It will take about 5-10 minutes to update the controller.
4. 5-10 minutes later, click "Cancel" when the program asks "Did you need to save the data you updated?"
5. Press the reset hole on the back of the controller with a small pin, or the controller may get stuck. This small hole must be pressed with a pin.

Check here if you want to update the amiibo one by one:

1. Run the BGS31 program.
2. Connect the AmiiPad controller to your PC via type-c cable. It will show "Connect" on the bottom left corner of the program when connected successful.
3. Click "Refresh" to refresh the current amiibo data.
4. Check the bin file name in the update pack. For example the bin name is F_7_05.BIN. Find it in the BGS31 program and click it.((Rules:If the bin name contains 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F. The corresponding location on the program are: 10, 11, 12, 13 ,14 ,15 ))
5. Click "Update" and select the bin file to update.
6. Update successfully and unlplug the Amiipad.